Bacopa Monnieri (Bramhi) Extract:

When searching for the single most powerful natural supplement for brain health, better thinking, sharper focus, and improved memory retention a darn good place to begin that search would be the one plant named after the Hindu god of creation Brahmi i.e. Bacopa monnieri.

Brahmā, the Hindu god of creation, has been worshiped and written about for over 7,000 years. According to Hindu religion Brahmā is responsible for all creation.  So having been named after the Hindu god of creation, Bacopa monnieri or Brahmi as it is also known as "comes with some great expectations".

Bacopa monnieri assists in heightening mental acuity and supports the physiological processes involved in relaxation. In the folklore of Indian medicine, several herbs have been used traditionally as brain or nerve tonics. Bacopa monnieri is a Indian herb commonly given to infants to boost memory power, intelligence and mental health. Brahmi might increase certain brain chemicals that are involved in thinking, learning, and memory.

Bacopa Extract has a active ingredient known as Bacosides which play a protective role in the synaptic functions of the nerves in the hippocampus, the seat of memory. Nerve impulses are transmitted across the synapses and their degeneration is believed to contribute to impaired memory and cognition.

Some research suggests that it might also protect brain cells from chemicals invovled in Alzheimer's disease. It is also used to reduce adaptogenic stress, anti-anxierty & antidepressant, also used in Epilepsy and ADHD treatment, chronic pain minimizer and a blood pressure regulator.